Bar Artwork Butterfly

Butterfly Bar

Start growing march — june

Red Valerian Web

Red Valerian

produces fluttery butterflies with little purple flowers.


Thyme Serphyllum Web

Thyme serpyllum

tempts fluttery butterflies with little purple flowers.


Scabious Web


has purple flowers on long stems that butterflies find irresistible.


Bring butterflies fluttering to your garden with spectacular displays of crimson and purple nectar- rich flowers.

To grow these nectar rich blooms, start your Growbar between March and June.

Gently remove the plastic wrapping and place the Growbar with the protective paper facing upwards in a container which has plenty of space so it can expand; a takeaway food tray is ideal.

Pour half a litre of water into the tray and position the Growbar indoors on a warm, nright windowsill. The seeds will need to be a cosy 18-22’C to germinate.

When the Growbar is nearly dry, gently pour water into the base of the tray, not directly onto the bar as it may crumble. You can be sure your Growbar is perfectly moist if it remains the colour of a rich dark ginger cake!

After a few weeks you should have a bar neatly dotted with little seedlings. These will be happy growing together in the bar for a further month in their sunny location.

When the seedlings have produced 4-8 leaves you can then gently separate them, being careful not to damage the delicate roots, and plant them in a sunny weed-free spot in the garden. Plants grown in the ground with plenty of space and sunlight will flower most impressively, but it is possible to grow the seedlings in large containers on the balcony or patio.

Bar Artwork Butterfly
Red Valerian Web

Red Valerian

produces fluttery butterflies with little purple flowers.


Thyme Serphyllum Web

Thyme serpyllum

tempts fluttery butterflies with little purple flowers.


Scabious Web


has purple flowers on long stems that butterflies find irresistible.
